Mayakara Performances

Mayakara works are always physically challenging and often contain spoken word, a little bit of acting, humour, song, elaborate props and ambitious staging of ideas.  Here are a sample of works from our archives from throughout the years.

Film Credit: Tim Arnold


Of Sand and Steel (2008)

Of Sand and Steel presents the comings and goings of a
mystic alliance. On the surface, the society seemingly invest the focus of their day to hard labour. However, all is not what it seems, as the workers also form an important alliance… that is to protect and preserve a precious secret.

Waiting for Luck (2012)

Waiting for Luck is a witty ‘spin off’ to LÎla’s The Incredible Presence of a Remarkable Absence, inspired by Samuel Beckett’s tragic-comedy Waiting for Godot.

The absurdity of waiting, it is a terrible thing! We have nothing left to do but think… Think on our feet with our feet and sometimes our shoes do the thinking for us! We wile away the time with wistful interactions and nonsensical ramblings and run from the terrible silence that creeps up on us to the sound of a tick-tocking clock.


Film Credit: Tim Arnold

Film Credit: Nick Dare


A Chemical Reaction in 3 phases (2016)

You are granted access to our laboratory in which our cohort of scientists are immersed in endless tests, trials and experiments. In this environment individuals ricochet between being the scientist and the specimen itself, inventing and being the invention. This is a glimpse into the sterile existence of the scientists at work and the explosive reactivity inside their Petri dishes! 

Winner: U.Dance Choreography Award

A Very Important Point (2019)

A Very Important Point explores the 2018 pre-Brexit deal political climate of indecision and disagreements with light-hearted humour and physical satire. Verbatim text from a Theresa May interview on the Andrew Marr Show is spoken by the dancers with some extra commentary permitted by artistic licence!


Film Credit: Wigglyline Productions